21 July 2010

I told you so

I did warn you that in all likelihood I'd become overwhelmed with work and abandon my blogging. Thus I did.

However, I have some prayer requests that I would encourage you to join me in:

1) First and foremost, lift up Katy Getsie and her bike and build group. I'm not sure how much detail to share. If you want to know more, just email me. Just please please be praying for her.

2) I have 2 and a half weeks left. I have two and a half weeks before I'll see Justin again. I have two and a half weeks to finish over half the summer's workload. Two and a half weeks left with some amazingly awesome people.

3) "It will always take longer and more money" Wise words a friend told Justin and me. This summer is certainly a lesson in this. We thought that this summer we'd be able to save money, and this couldn't have been further from the truth. Travel costs, my health issues, and other random things have decreased our savings. We're not hurting in terms of day to day life, but our "Get out of debt in five years" plan has been entirely paused. This demands a bit more faith as we really feel called to get out of debt, but haven't been able to put any money towards the debt this year.

4) The fall. I have no idea what I'm doing in the fall or with my life in general. 3 weighs heavily into this. I need direction. I need to not make choices out of fear, but I need to seriously consider what I need to prioritize: masters, money, or flexibility.

thanks. I'll be in touch, just maybe not so much in the next 2 weeks. :s

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear from you. :) Can't wait for you to come home, but I'm glad you have some rad people to spend the remainder of your time with.

p.s. Seattle in a month!